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Summer Registration Is Open!  Register Today!

Summer Registration Is Open!  Register Today!


Arts Passage XPress (APX)

"I was often scared about sharing my work with others.  Being in a group with so many talented people is inspiring.  I look forward to every class."


Arts Passage XPress program (APX) provides individual coaching and small group workshop training for ages 11-21 in Visual Arts (anime/manga) and Digital Studio Production. It also provides leadership opportunities for students to socialize, invite guests, and present their works at Freestyle Fridays events. This program is FREE. Supplies are provided.

  • Anime/Visual Arts (Wednesday and Friday) | Ages 12-15 and 16-21 
  • Digital Studio Production (Thursday and Friday) | Ages 11-14 and 15-21
  • Freestyle Fridays (Monthly) | Select Fridays 5:30-8:30pm